Thank You For The Memories Chadwick Boseman Black Panther Rip 1977-2020 Shirt
In the buildup to getting to Thank You For The Memories Chadwick Boseman Black Panther Rip 1977-2020 Shirt go see the Marvel Black Panther movie, I was exposed to individuals proclaiming ‘No Real Americans’ are going to watch that movie. It was a sad reminder for me that the dog-whistle phrase is still alive and well in 2018. It is another thing to add to the pile of weight we have lowering our bar, and these last months have shown that pile is fairly large. I walked into the theatre and selected my seat, thinking about more than just comic books. The man even as a fictional character, this hurts the African American morale simply because he was a role model that let African American kids hope they can be superheroes just like everyone else can. It helped blur the lines of the race even if for a moment only. Super sad to lose an awesome portrayal of the character and an even better portrayal of what a good person he was. He managed to battle for 4 years without really anyone...