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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2020

Thank You For The Memories Chadwick Boseman Black Panther Rip 1977-2020 Shirt

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In the buildup to getting to  Thank You For The Memories Chadwick Boseman Black Panther Rip 1977-2020 Shirt  go see the Marvel Black Panther movie, I was exposed to individuals proclaiming ‘No Real Americans’ are going to watch that movie. It was a sad reminder for me that the dog-whistle phrase is still alive and well in 2018. It is another thing to add to the pile of weight we have lowering our bar, and these last months have shown that pile is fairly large. I walked into the theatre and selected my seat, thinking about more than just comic books. The man even as a fictional character, this hurts the African American morale simply because he was a role model that let African American kids hope they can be superheroes just like everyone else can. It helped blur the lines of the race even if for a moment only. Super sad to lose an awesome portrayal of the character and an even better portrayal of what a good person he was. He managed to battle for 4 years without really anyone...

T’Challa In Black Panther Chadwick Boseman 1977 2020 Shirt

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 There is nothing  : T’Challa In Black Panther Chadwick Boseman 1977 2020 Shirt  embarrassing about them and it can literally save your life. I had one at age 32 and the doc found a polyp. It was small (<2mm) but the kind that could eventually become cancerous. Don't wait until 50. Today's diet is far heavier in red meat and processed foods than before and the risk of colon cancer is higher. The current recommendations are outdated, IMO.  I took my daughter to see Black Panther and he immediately became her favorite hero. When it came out on DVD she made me play it over and over and over again. The way she cheered whenever she saw him... I can't tell her he's gone, man. 2020 is wicked. May he rest in eternal paradise and may his loved ones find comfort during this tragic time.   Chemotherapy was grueling and towards the end of my treatments, I suffered from significant anxiety when it was time for another round of poison. One of the ways I tried to ...

King T’Challa To Life In Black Panther Chadwick Boseman Shirt

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  I just finished my  King T’Challa To Life In Black Panther Chadwick Boseman Shirt  second week of medical school and Lynch was probably the first disease that got brought up as they went through cell cycle stuff.  I didn't mean to derail your comment or anything.  That’s what I keep coming back to after all these untimely deaths. Between Kobe and Chadwick in 2020 alone we lost two incredible people who had so much more left. They both had so much left to give that we will never see. Don’t let that be you. You can feel sad about a beloved actor dying of cancer and also be annoyed about something at work. This arbitrary death doesn't in any way minimize or invalidate your annoyances at work.  At only 30 years old, my girlfriend was diagnosed with colon cancer after being told for months that she had appendicitis and was constipated; before they took her seriously and realized there were a blockage and cancerous cells. Colon cancer is rare in young peop...

Wakanda Forever After Black Pather Star Chadwick Boseman Dies At 43 Shirt

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 A colonoscopy saved my  Wakanda Forever After Black Pather Star Chadwick Boseman Dies At 43 Shirt  mother's life.   I’ve ever been though hands down. Not going to give you any of the typical bullshit about keep fighting or stay strong because I’m sure you’ve heard it all. I will tell you that if you try your damndest to stay positive and maybe try and fit in a laugh or two throughout your day, it helps in the long run.  He brought such regal and noble energy to the role, he was the PERFECT T’Challa. I’m remembering the past few Halloweens with all the little Black Panthers running around trick or treating and how meaningful his portrayal was—especially to little black kids. He was a king and a superhero both on and off-screen, and he will be missed. I know because my hubby was diagnosed with stage 3c when he was only 41 years old. 4 years, 2 surgeries, 2 rounds of chemo, and one removed colon later and he is doing ok. We learned he has Lynch after talking ...

Marvel Of An Actor Amul Tribute To Black Pather Star Chadwick Boseman Shirt

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 I remember seeing Endgame  Marvel Of An Actor Amul Tribute To Black Panther Star Chadwick Boseman Shirt  when it came out in Harlem. When all the avengers showed up one by one at the end, people were getting hyped. When BP showed up all the young black kids were out of their seats cheering. He was a hero to those young kids. He would have had a long career ahead of him of inspiring many more. So sad it was cut short. I am not a movie person, but my 13 yo niece got a brief reprieve from living in the pediatric oncology ward with leukemia to go home for a few weeks. The first movie we went to watch in theaters together? Black Panther. Her next kitten’s name? T’Challa. We lost her a year ago so I hope she gets to tell you how much we loved your movie and how we loved you. t's no one's business, really. When you talk about that (referring to plans for marriage, family, and life outside of acting), you become a whole different type of celebrity. Your personal life bleeds into...

The Superhero Black Panther In The Marvel Cinematic Universe Rip Shirt

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 There have only been a   The Superhero Black Panther In The Marvel Cinematic Universe Rip Shirt  few celebrity deaths that have really impacted me in this way. Sometimes I feel weird and almost guilty for feeling so emotional about them; I didn’t know them personally, obviously, and sometimes I wonder if I’m mourning the person or just the art that they created. But in cases like this, his life truly represents an undeniably tragic and heroic story. You summed it up better than I ever could with your last couple of sentences. , Marvel execs probably knew about his illness and wanted to see how it progresses before starting production. I have spent the time since learning about his death searching for interviews he gave in the past few years. He often answered questions about how his career was skyrocketing. Imagine answering those questions knowing you had aggressive cancer. This is one of those deaths where it's hard to even fully process the information. I ha...

RIP Actor Chadwick Boseman Of Mavel Thank You For The Memories Shirt

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 Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, and  RIP Actor Chadwick Boseman Of Mavel Thank You For The Memories Shirt  whole grains. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, which may play a role in cancer prevention. Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables so that you get an array of vitamins and nutrients. Drink alcohol in moderation, if at all. If you choose to drink alcohol, limit the amount of alcohol you drink to no more than one drink a day for women and two for men. Stop smoking. Talk to your doctor about ways to quit that may work for you. Exercise most days of the week. Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise on most days. If you've been inactive, start slowly and build up gradually to 30 minutes. Also, talk to your doctor before starting any exercise program. Watching my dad die from pancreatic cancer made me decide to stop drinking. I personally think not drinking/smoking are good steps to take towards lowering y...

Chadwick Boseman The Black Panther Marvel Film Star Thank You For The Memories Shirt

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 Man this news and your  Chadwick Boseman The Black Panther Marvel Film Star Thank You For The Memories Shirt  post feel almost surreal to me. Been seeing blood in my stool for several months that just recently escalated to abdominal and back pain... just scheduled a colonoscopy for next Friday, and I’m 23. Now I’m freaking out and wondering why I didn’t go in earlier, obviously don’t know for sure yet what the issue is but my symptoms have been so eerily similar to Colon cancer. I am for your diagnosis, and I hope you’re doing as well as can be. I have a family history of colon cancer but I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t read up on the warning signs like I absolutely should have. I’m in my early 20’s so I didn’t think I had to worry about it but your comment is pushing me to pay way, way closer attention. Again, thank you, and I wish you the absolute best, mate.   That colonoscopy probably saved my life. This is insane. There was a photo of him going around on tw...

RIP The King of Wakanda We Love You Forever Shirt

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 Deaths like Cazale back in the  RIP The King of Wakanda We Love You Forever Shirt  day, Ledger, and now Bozeman will always carry "what if," losing amazing talents is tragic and knowing they were just getting started and had so much more to accomplish and contribute, as fans we really feel the weight of all that. Amazing how strong he had been. He was working until the end. So awful for his wife and family. I lost my mother to colon cancer as well, I've seen the hellish battle it is, the fact he was able to do so many movies during these 4 years while fighting colon cancer shows he was truly one tough SOB to fight through the hell his body was going through.  I didn’t know the black panther timeline, I forgot about civil war. It may actually explain why there seemed to be such an inexplicably long gap in Marvel's plans for Bp2. t says 2016, so he probably found out about it before or after the civil war came out and he was cast in 2015. Fuck man, imagine getting you...

Rip Chadwick Boseman Black Panther 1977 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt

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 If he was diagnosed in   Rip Chadwick Boseman Black Panther 1977 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt  2016, that means he underwent treatment while filming Black Panther and Infinity War/Endgame among his other projects. Amazing that he could do that. damn,, I remember a couple of years ago or last year there were pics of him super skinny and people speculating why he was so skinny. wonder if he was doing chemo then. came out of fuckin nowhere man, He wouldn’t comment and I thought it was for a role or something. What a devastating loss, just goes to show things may seem great for somebody but we have no idea what they’re going through. I watched my husband lose 75 lbs in 9 months, with at least 50 of that happening in the last 4 months of his life. It destroys your body, and I’m assuming that a digestive system cancer just mutilated his ability to eat. That’s how it was with my husband, different cancer but still.  I’ve fought cancer and I can’t im...

Rip Chadwick Boseman Black Panther 1977 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt

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 So these are all reasons  Rip Chadwick Boseman Black Panther 1977 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt  we don't do such screenings, between the low likelihood of actually finding cancer, high cost, and possible complications from invasive testing. And that's why the national health organizations have to work out those general recommendations. The best thing to do is if you notice something off, get it checked. Speaking from personal experience. One of my cousins died of colon cancer at a similar age. He unfortunately ignored symptoms for over a year and by then it was too late. I'm a radiologist serving a community hospital, mostly reading films done in the emergency department. So it is usually broken bones, appendicitis, kidney stones, a few brains bleeds, strokes, etc. Recently a good number of COVID pneumonia, as you might imagine. The world could learn a lot from Chadwick Boseman, especially now. He was an absolute beacon of black strength on the screen....

Pretty Rip Black Panther 1977 2020 Shirt

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 It was probably cancer  Pretty Rip Black Panther 1977 2020 Shirt  actually, that’s what it does. I watched my husband lose 75 lbs in 9 months, with at least 50 of that happening in the last 4 months of his life. It destroys your body, and I’m assuming that a digestive system cancer just mutilated his ability to eat. That’s how it was with my husband, different cancer but still...and very saddened by this news. My husband and I really enjoy(ed) the marvel movies. He cried every time he watched endgame. Yea holy shit the amount of effort that had to take. I'm glad it was actually kept secret like I thought I was out of the loop and missed hearing about him having cancer. That's hard for someone in his line of work to keep a secret too I hope that means he was surrounded by good people. Chadwick was one of those people, when I thought about him, who would make me a little happier to be in the world. Knowing that there are people like him around and about can make a bad day ...

Official Rip Chadwick Boseman Shirt

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 Maybe he was genetically  Official Rip Chadwick Boseman Shirt  predisposed to getting colon cancer. A clean diet can only do so much. Really makes me think I should get genetic screening for cancers, especially since pancreatic cancer, unfortunately, runs in my family. Shit, just hearing my dad having a couple of pancreatitis flare-ups makes me scared for him, luckily nothing cancerous yet. If I had to guess it would probably be increasing red meat consumption for the worsening colon cancer. You can sort of guess how old a person is by looking at their colon on a CT. When you get older, you get these outpouchings called diverticulosis off the colon walls. But I'm seeing Americans in their 30s with diverticulosis. Meanwhile, I once looked at a scan of my 80-year-old grandma who essentially lived as a vegetarian (not due to choice but just because she lived in a third world country), and she has almost no diverticula at all. If the differing dietary habits are causing pouc...

RIP Black Panther's Chadwick Boseman Shirt

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 I think Marvel knew the  RIP Black Panther's Chadwick Boseman Shirt  whole time and must have honored an agreement to keep it quiet. Like a year ago rumors leaked that Marvel was looking for a new Black Panther, but being very hush-hush about it. Nobody could understand what had broken in their relationship to prompt something like that. I think we know why now. I think Marvel knew the whole time and must have honored an agreement to keep it quiet. Like a year ago rumors leaked that Marvel was looking for a new Black Panther, but being very hush-hush about it. Nobody could understand what had broken in their relationship to prompt something like that. I think we know why now. Shuri can blend Black Panther’s prowess with Iron Man’s tech to fill two roles with a known and well-liked character, versus having an aging Black Panther in a universe about to be filled with young blood and a new character step into the Iron Man tech genius role. I got this news alert 20 minutes a...

Premium Rip Chad wick Boseman 1977 2020 Shirt

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 I'm now wondering if the : Premium Rip Chad wick Boseman 1977 2020 Shirt  general lack of focus on T'challa in Black Panther compared to other solo movie heroes (which I think worked out well in giving us good villains) and his roles in Endgame and IW being basically just cameos were done in part to accommodate him. Rest in Power. I mean, Black Panther being thrown off the falls by Killmonger is an indispensably critical part of the character’s lore in the comics. I think they got the best film they could possibly get. (Well obviously the casino action was meant to be a consistent shot and the best Marvel Studios could do was digitally stitch it together instead of rehearsing for weeks.)I took my mom to see it. She’s in her 60s. She hates Marvel movies usually but she was fully enraptured with this one. This movie meant so much to me, as a black woman in her 20s, and so much more to my mom, a black woman in her 60s. My mother was one of the first to desegregate her schoo...

Black Panther Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt

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 I may not be the  Black Panther Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt  biggest fan of your music, but I am forever a fan of you. Thanks for being such a good sport with the internet. It can be a hateful place, but you have inadvertently (or maybe it was your plan all along) created one of the longest-running, formidable, and hard to see coming memes/trolls of the digital age. For that, we immortalize you in a way most people can only dream. We thank you and we honor you at the same time. I'm so glad Rick Astley is such a great sport about Rickrolling. It has to be the longest-lived, most beloved meme of all time. Does that even make it a meme anymore? Anyway, I think it helps that it's a legitimately great song. I listen to it all the way through relatively often when I get Rickrolled. I will tell my grandchildren and their friends of the day I witnessed Rick Astley getting Rickrolled. We will sit in front of the fire, reminiscing on the old days of the internet, an...

Galaxyngo Infant Teacher 2020 Quarantined Funny Infant Toddler Specialist Class Of 2020 For TShirt

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 I had a student in  Galaxyngo Infant Teacher 2020 Quarantined Funny Infant Toddler Specialist Class Of 2020 For TShirt  my class last year who we were well aware of had a rough home life. The poor kiddo struggled big-time with mental health and behaviors and his self-esteem. I lost a lot of sleep about this child and his well-being long before COVID. Every day, I met with him individually for a significant amount of time. The things I saw in 3.5 months broke my heart on a new level. I had no idea what his true reality was. I am an adult who is arguably well adjusted and has strong coping skills. Every day after I got off video chat I was so overwhelmed and upset - and I wasn’t even in the home.  This opened my eyes to just how important that really is and just how little I really knew about the things this kiddo was battling against. Didn't physically witness anything, but one of my high achievers handed in 1 assignment then crickets after the switch to virtual...

Game Of Thrones Dragon Teacher Of Students Shirt.

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  I’m half Filipino myself so  Game Of Thrones Dragon Teacher  Of Students Shirt.  I was kinda excited to have Cassie Steele do the voicing. But I won’t act like the concerns the Asian community has doesn’t have some legitimacy. Hollywood does tend to have a bias for mixed Asians.  It’s kinda like how earlier on, Hollywood tended to cast light-skinned / mixed Black people and ignored darker-skinned actors (it’s getting better though.) And I don’t necessarily agree with recasting the role btw. It was already promised to her and like you said mixed Asians are still Asian. They probably felt even more inclined to do it in this climate we’re in these days. But I won’t act like the concerns the Asian community has doesn’t have some legitimacy. Hollywood does tend to have a bias for mixed Asians These aren't reversals, they're just plain answers. Or just letting the next movie address it. There was no obligation to address the knights of ren or the force vision, ...

Funny Which Witch Is Which Funny Halloween English Teacher Shirt

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I had a kid who was   Funny Which Witch Is Which Funny Halloween English Teacher Shirt  stuck in the middle of a custody thing mid-quarantine. He was so excited to show us his new digs when he moves in May- the place he was excited about had gaping holes in the drywall, graffiti written all over the inside of the house, and broken crap everywhere. But he got run of the whole basement floor, and there was enough land for his homeless buddy (also a student of mine) to park his mobile home outback. I had a student with autism and she really struggled in school because fitting in was so important. If she didn't understand something she would refuse help because it "made her look like a baby". She told me during remote learning that she really liked it because there was no pressure (on herself) to be like the other kids. I also had a student who was one of the biggest bullies in 5th grade and it was a struggle to get him to do anything. of parentification, where my ex made my ...

French Teachers 2020 The One Where They Was Quarantined Social Distancing TShirt

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 Just to clarify, part B  French Teachers 2020 The One Where They Was Quarantined Social Distancing TShirt  does not cover prescription drugs. It's a little more complex than what I'm about to say, but for a basic explanation that does not get bogged down in too many details, Part A is in-patient hospital care, and Part B is outpatient and specialist care, as well as other more advanced care. Combined they are "original Medicare." because you can enroll in these plans yourself, but you may accidentally enroll in one that automatically disenrolls you from your current setup (which is not a bad thing if its what you're supposed to be doing, but is a bad thing if you enroll in the wrong coverage for your new plan) The nice thing about doing this during the AEP is that you are legally entitled to switch the plan as many times as you want between October 15 and December 7, with no negative consequences. As such, if you do accidentally screw it up, or learn that you did...

Floral My Favorite Teacher Calls Me Mom Shirt

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 Grew up poor, but my mom  Floral My Favorite Teacher Calls Me Mom Shirt  sure knew how to stretch a dollar. She would make steak fingers out of the cheapest cuts she could find. Tenderize, fry them up make gravy out of the drippings and serve with mashed potatoes. The whole meal probably cost less than 5 bucks in 70s dollars, and I'm telling you nothing tasted better. I made it for my kids when they were growing up and they still ask me for it sometimes. teamed white rice, crack a raw egg in it while it's scorching hot, stir aggressively and dash with soy sauce. if I have some, some roasted seaweed in that shiz. Super cheap breakfast but oh man is it filling/delicious.Thanks for all the recommendations, everyone! Sesame oil, Ume (pickled plum), furikake (rice seasoning), spam, and cabbage are all on my list of ingredients to mix and match! To answer this as it's getting asked quite a bit, I'm not Asian, I'm white. I do very much enjoy cooking, especially southeast ...

ESL Teachers 2020 The One Where They Was Quarantined Social Distancing T Shirt

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 This sounds really trashy but  ESL Teachers 2020 The One Where They Was Quarantined Social Distancing T Shirt  I use the bottom of my shirt in those cases. I made light of it and said, “sorry I forgot my glove”. The women at the counter looked at me and literally said, “better not forget your finger condom next time if you’re that damn paranoid” and started laughing with the four rednecks not wearing masks sitting at a table by the counter. Everywhere I go in my rural area most people aren’t taking it seriously and talk about how it’s just like getting a cold and it’s being blown up. My family is taking their kids to public events and frankly just don’t give a shit. I don’t give a shit what anyone says, people aren’t taking it seriously. My kid was really cranky about the masks at first because lots of people weren't wearing them and he didn't want to be the odd one. We wore them anyway. I can see kids going without because they are self-conscious. I can also see kids be...

English Teachers 2020 The One Where They Was Quarantined Social Distancing TShirt

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 No one wants to   English Teachers 2020 The One Where  They Was Quarantined Social Distancing TShirt  deal with it. That's the problem. The other day on the radio, during an interview our local sheriff stated they wouldn't be enforcing any mask orders because "it's a personal decision every person needs to make about their own safety, much like wearing a seat belt." I actually wrote a letter to our newspaper about that, calling bullshit on it. The police love seeing you not wearing a seat belt and will go out of their way to turn around in the middle of traffic to crack down on you. In middle school, I went home sick on a Friday, came to school on Monday, and got suspended because I was wearing blue. I guess on Friday there was a fight between these “gangs” and everyone was told that you could not wear blue or red for the rest of the year. I think they soon realized that these kids weren’t in gangs they were just dumb ass kids who fought all the time.  Let...

Duck Face Mask Teacher Doesn't Let The Pigeon Wear Mask Wrong Shirt

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 I love how all shocked these  Duck Face Mask Teacher Doesn't Let The Pigeon Wear Mask Wrong Shirt  people act that they have to wear a mask but I bet she wouldn't walk into a fine dining establishment in a bathing suit and pull the same crap. These people don't understand that at the end of the day it is a dress code and dress codes have been around for a very long time. No one is mentioning their rights when it comes to that. Can you imagine some jerk standing outside of a nightclub because he can't get in due to the dress code making a scene about his constitutional rights?! It's exactly what I was thinking. He needed to say, "Ma'am you are welcome to exercise, but you must wear proper attire. We would not allow you to exercise naked and during this pandemic, you are not allowed to exercise inside our private business without a mask. If you want to follow the governor's advice of exercising without a mask, you are free to go to a local walking trail....

Don't Make Teacher Put Her Foot Down Shirt

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 I'm a college teacher in the   Don't Make Teacher Put Her Foot Down Shirt  UK. Absolutely love my job, love helping the kids I teach, and love helping them reach their uni courses. Never really had many issues with most of my classes, but I had this one class that was really lazy, never did their work, etc. They got a real shit result back one lesson, the average mark was like 30%. I said something in passing and a student made a comment about how I shouldn't guilt-trip them. I explained how I felt like I was working harder than they were and I felt like I cared more about their result than they did, despite they would be going to uni. At the time I was going through a breakup and was living in my car for a few days and I cried then in front of that class. Awful moment, professionally speaking. I think what most of the kids don't get, especially one or two of the comments I've read on here or some of the more immature kids, is that the majority of the time teachers...

Dedicated Teacher Even From A Distance Teacher Gift TShirt

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 The Pandemic 2020 edition would have a  Dedicated Teacher Even From A Distance Teacher Gift TShirt  different failure conditions for each of the existing roles. Like some gameplay mechanic if the Scientist believed the disease spread through demon sperm. In the beginning, each player would secretly be assigned to be a "good" or "bad" one of whatever their role was. If they are bad, they win if you lose the game while meeting the failure condition. If they are good, they only win normally. So potentially every player or no one trying to lose in specific ways. My dad died last month and today is my birthday. I cried because I’ll never get a birthday message from him ever again and I didn’t get to attend his funeral because I can’t fly home. In 5th grade, we had a psychotic substitute teacher, probably in his late 50s. At the beginning of class, everyone was goofing off and he immediately shut us down by screaming at us, shaking furiously. We all stayed silent after t...

Never Underestimate A Nana Who Listens To Bob Seger Shirt

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   They are saying the  Never Underestimate A Nana Who Listens To Bob Seger Shirt  problem is that the public is ignorant and should be disregarded, as they have failed to learn the things they should have to be taken seriously. I am saying, that's not the fault of the public, it's the fault of people who intentionally keep them ignorant. The blame lies not at the feet of the public. It lies at the feet of the powerful, we shouldn't use the fact that people are misinformed to justify reducing democratic input that people get, we should use it as a wake-up call to make sure falsehoods and propaganda aren't as rampant and give people the truth. They do this by having an incredible push and investment in mass media and digital media. There is money to be made by weaponizing misinformation but at the same time creating the appearance that the real information is misinformation and political. The real problem is that these media companies are driven by profits. Every time...

Yoga Sheep Mask Stay Out Of My Bubble Covid 19 T-Shirt

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 And the reality is   Yoga Sheep Mask Stay Out Of My Bubble Covid 19 T-Shirt  that putting this building in the neighborhood will lower the value of homes there. I don’t like it, but it’s true. As you said, shelter is a bandaid. They may have a place to live, but for many people that is just the beginning of their issues and the behaviors that come with them. I don’t think it’s unreasonable for locals to be unhappy. It does not shelter its low-income housing. And the lot is on Dundas west which is already full of homeless people. This development will take those people off the streets which is a good thing. Those people are just pissed cause space is a prime downtown real estate and is being used for an apartment building and not a couple of 2 million dollar houses for themselves But obviously, there is a lot of issues with implementing something like that, such as forced busing bring immorally, but then if it was voluntary when doing humans like choosing the hard ro...

Teachersaurus Like A Normal Teacher But More Awesome Shirt

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 My elementary school PE/gym teacher would   Teachersaurus Like A Normal Teacher But More Awesome Shirt  turn girls upside down if they were wearing a skirt or a dress. I told my teacher about it and nothing happened. I told my parents about it and nothing happened. I called him out one day in front of the entire class for being a creep and I got detention for being disrespectful. I was in second grade.  The same teacher said to another girl that she was going to end up working at McDonald's if she kept having bad grades. The same teacher told the whole class our parents were "ungrateful to the pedagogic team that takes care of their children" because she didn't receive any chocolates for Christmas. A teacher once called me a really bad slur for a middle eastern person. It's in danish, but like if an American teacher called a student the N-word. My dad is Iranian and my mom is Danish. I was born in Denmark, don't even speak Farsi, and my home was typically Dan...

Teacher Together Through It All Shirt

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 I don't know. At the   Teacher Together Through It All Shirt  time, I thought he chose them specifically because they were cool. They were friends who made up their own songs and stuff and I thought they were awesome. Looking back though he probably chose those two because they were rebellious kids from low-income families. To be honest it wasn't until weeks later when I tried to relay it to my parents as a maths-based joke and saw their reaction that I even realized how messed up it was. I don't know. At the time, I thought he chose them specifically because they were cool. They were friends who made up their own songs and stuff and I thought they were awesome. Looking back though he probably chose those two because they were rebellious kids from low-income families. To be honest it wasn't until weeks later when I tried to relay it to my parents as a maths-based joke and saw their reaction that I even realized how messed up it was. It sounds just like Neela asthma ...

Some Girls Are Just Born With Softball In Their Souls Shirt

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 Police can exercise their judgment and   Some Girls Are Just Born With Softball In Their Souls Shirt  give a verbal or written warning if they see fit. The joke about the camera is just a joke. Red-light cams are illegal now, but back when they operated them a third party private company issued the tickets and cops can’t do shit about it. There would be no point in even giving a warning because if the camera went off, then he would have received a ticket via the mail with pictures of the car, plates, and driver. You couldn’t get out of those easy. It’s funny how this stupid anti-police mentality leads people to snap judgments that cops are dirty and abuse their authority. All from a story that’s quite likely to just be a pile of bullshit. Had they not added the red light cam I might have believed it. I used to drive shuttle vans for a hotel and I had about 15 undercover agents and brass in my van picking them all up from going to a few bars after a conference... The...

Plan For The Day Coffee Camping And Wine Shirt

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 But they are rather rare, usually something high on  Plan For The Day Coffee Camping And Wine Shirt  sugar or fat which our brain instantly recognizes. When you try something! Not one person knew that. And I certainly wasn't going to tell ten. I met up with some people today. One lady was like “ oh I don’t think you’d come”. I fucking said I’m down to come and agreed to a time and place. Why do people do this shit? Just say no if you don’t want to do something. No need for an excuse or some bulls hit to make people feel ok. Yes or no. Proper communication would make the world a much better place. These fucking games people play are infuriating. After dealing with a lot of flakes, I have that fear a lot- that when I make plans with someone, they’ll not actually come or not think I’m “being serious”. It really sucks when you’re trying to be more social. But I do take people at their word and try to operate under the assumption they will do the thing. I think I’d go crazy i...

Never Underestimate An Old Man Who Loves Table Tennis And Was Born In March Shirt

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 My mom just passed away from pancreatic cancer. At least in my family, the  Never Underestimate An Old Man Who Loves Table Tennis And Was Born In March Shirt  Great Depression never ended. I think my nephews and nieces will be okay but the idea that you made do and you never admitted to pain or ill health or at least never made a big deal of it hit my generation and other generations hard. It killed them too young, made them suffer ill health all their lives, etc. A friend of mine from an online game died from it about ten years ago. Her husband logged onto her forum account to tell us about what happened. She had a little stomachache, but chalked it up to stress and ignored it.... for six months. She also skipped her annual physical because she was "too busy." By the time the pain became too much to ignore, It's genuinely the most anxiety-inducing situation my family has been in, especially because if the heart attack had waited a few weeks he'd be back home in Euro...

Je Suis Une Femme Simple Camping Shirt

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 The round pegs in the  Je Suis Une Femme Simple Camping Shirt  square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. connect when I'm doing a lot of excel or math in general. I also have one I carry in my laptop bag which doesn't have a Numpad or even arrow keys. it's handy for when I need to do a lot of typing on my laptop (I find long sessions with my laptop keyboard to be uncomfortable on my hand), I can just bust that out. That one is set for different modes so I can have the keys remap to be a Numpad and arrow keys with a quick combo of two keys. The answer really...

I’m A Fall And Cat Kinda Girl Flowers Shirt

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 This is why you have to be  I’m A Fall And Cat Kinda Girl Flowers Shirt careful about what you tell people they can do. I would have gone and just grabbed some myself and said they can have these flowers, and specifically if they liked them they can take them to a flower shop to get more. The problem with telling someone something like 'Go grab a couple to see how you like them' is that there are a lot of people that will just hear what they want. They most likely already expected you to secure, they'll be on your property for a longer time, but the hassle of fixing it for them will make you feel better. Even if they have a tire pump with them and get it fixed quickly, they will still be anxious about a possible tire leak while driving off. I used to live at the beach and it was normal to decorate w/ nautical things. I found a ~400lb Navy anchor on the eastern shore and it took 5 of my friends to hoist it on my boat and bring it home. I loved that silly thing and had it f...

Cornhole My Sack Your Hole Vintage Retro Shirt

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 I had a Furby growing up that  Cornhole My Sack Your Hole Vintage Retro Shirt  I loved, but my sibling, not so much. Ended up burning it and smashing it up. I still loved it though, but after the accident, it would still sometimes flicker with life and distorted phrases would come out. At first, it freaked me out, because I'd hear it at night and not know what it was, but once I realized, it ended up being hilarious to the fucked up noises this thing would produce, perfectly coupled with screwed up animatronics, Some circuits could be bent in such a way that they would repeat phrases in gradually lower tones/slower cadences. Step one and two go as planned, sister gets a big old smile and seems overjoyed when she realizes Elmo took a trip out the 'hood to come to kick it with her and gives her homie a big hug. She wasn't expecting him to start wiggling and giggling and swinging his arms about in time with declarations of ticklishness and desperate pleas for the cessation ...

Official Do You Even Crit Shirt

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 I run over the yellow  Official Do You Even Crit Shirt   lane dividers ALL THE TIME in the game. There's something satisfying about that "dun dun dun dun" when you knock them down lol. There's an intersection in my town that has those and one day I caught myself nearly jerking the steering wheel left in my real-life car to hit them. I had to slap myself back to reality really quick. I still run them over in the game though lmaoAs someone with autism, The Sims was pretty good at giving me a framework for figuring out what I was feeling, and giving me tools to fix it. It's been surprisingly helpful. I tend to lapse into "mini-depressions" where I feel off without being sure why, so I try to mentally tick off all my "needs" and figure out which one might below, so I can pull myself back up. I played Sims 2 once, didn’t even play that much, went to bed, couldn't sleep. For some reason, I was just thinking about sims 2, and every time I said “o...

Jual Kaos Harley Davidson Forever Two Wheels Shirt

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 It’s no different than  Jual Kaos Harley Davidson Forever Two Wheels Shirt  Spring Break in Florida. Bunch of arrogant privileged assholes invading a town, destroying it like locusts, and then moving on to the next town. Only in both cases, the next town is every small stop or town on the freeway systems as the idiots drive back to their own home in a few days. Then they’ll burrow themselves in their own town and come up in a couple of weeks sick and dying and overwhelming their healthcare facilities. Can’t wait for the cellphone map showing everywhere these idiots traveled. Maybe make a YouTube channel with funny commentary? Open carry seems like a wise idea but I need a cameraman/woman who can run real fast. Contact tracing is less about where you got it from, and more about where you spread it to. A tracer helps to track down people you might have exposed so they can be tested and isolate to stop the spread further. Hopefully, that helps these people to be honest when...

Roses Just A Girl Who Loves Jack Skellington Shirt

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 That’s the   Roses Just A Girl Who Loves Jack Skellington Shirt  frustrating thing. The last few administrations needed to be taken to task for a few things, and this one is beyond description. This idea that indicted former leaders are an international humiliation is garbage. The humiliation was the crimes committed. The failure to prosecute those crimes is worse for our global standing. We are generations of "Being bullied in school? Tell a teacher. The teacher didn't do anything about it? Guess you're fucked then." It's a big round of pass the buck. Parents expect teachers to deal with bullying. Teachers expect the principal to deal with bullying. The principal expects the parents to deal with bullying. Sorry, kid, you're just gonna have to wait it out until graduation. Seen a number of posts where Americans are hoping other countries will intervene and fix this mess, unaware that the USA opted out of multi-nation agreements and anther country helping us w...

Publix Girl Classy Sassy And A Bit Smart Assy Shirt

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 It adopted the  Publix Girl Classy Sassy And A Bit Smart Assy Shirt  Tinder method of dating. You can't message people unless you like each other. Bumble is really glitchy and a lot of women don't like to send the first message. They ask you to do them on Instagram. Which they rarely answer. It is just to get more followers.  Mention a phone call to anyone under 30, that's like super next-level relationship apparently. Remember being on the phone with your friends saying absolutely nothing? God, I miss those days. Kids don't know how to sit still with themselves and just exist. They are weird because they think a stalker will know everything about them from their phone number.  is full of guys hitting her up. Well, it’s a lot easier to send pictures and have it feel natural. And ya my friends are on my phone, but some of them are overseeing so Snapchat is easier, and since I use it for a few I end up using it for all. Also, I have some group chats on Snapchat. ...

Proud Dad Of The Toughest Boy I Know Autism Awareness Shirt

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 I’d be interested in the  : Proud Dad Of The Toughest Boy I Know Autism Awareness Shirt  connections between this result and Sociology. This result suggests that the people who work to maintain psilocybin’s Schedule 1 status have, as their goal, the prevention of psychological insights, awareness of beauty, positive social effects, and positive moods. People actively working to prevent other people from making their lives better must certainly have some sociological implications, right? I'd also add that it is perhaps evidence that there are a lot of uninformed/uneducated people in positions of power making social/economic decisions for the greater public purely out of blind idealism. An idealism that is curated on social beliefs instead of concrete science-based evidence. It is one of the many reasons I would say Scandinavian countries, in general, operate so efficiently and successfully when comparing to countries that have harsh consequences for very unscientific...

Paratrooper 82nd Airborne Motor Harley Davidson Cycles Shirt

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 I played 4000 hours on ARK Survival Evolved as a  Paratrooper 82nd Airborne Motor Harley Davidson Cycles Shirt  co-leader om an alpha tribe on the server we played on. This shit felt like a full-time job. I had to help organize schedules for everyone on when to play and set tasks for everyone to do. Eventually, Chinese hackers wiped us off the server and I quit the game. I definitely felt like I should've been busier after I quit and felt like I had so much free time. I play Skyrim with the amazing Frostfall mod, and I was playing for about 12 hrs one day. If you don't know about Frostfall, its basically a mod for Skyrim that adds cold weather simulation to the game and a full camping and survival system. The first time I tried it out I was so amazed at it I actually didn't stand up for 12 hrs because it was so fun to have Skyrim with a survival simulator built-in. After I realized how long my play session was I looked around my room and had this wave of tiredness flow o...

Perfect Johnny Hallyday 1943 2017 Shirt

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 The   Perfect Johnny Hallyday 1943 2017 Shirt  original? Present-day relatively easy to explain the general premise. Back in the 90s, it would have been difficult. Humans and robots have a war. Robots win but humans destroy their power source so robots use humans as a power source. To keep humans complacent robots put humans in a VR world modeled after around the late 90's early 2000's. Not all humans were defeated and a group of humans fights guerilla-style by going into the VR simulation and pulling people out. Some of the concepts might be difficult to understand, like (edit): integrated consciousness VR 20 years ago but not so much now. Warlordnipple kind of explained it from the outside in, giving all the setting details/concepts but not what actually happens in the movie. My explanation would be more like this: 90's desk jockey who's a hacker in his free time gets wrapped up in a big conspiracy. Turns out his world is a simulation, and that a small crew of reb...