Roses Just A Girl Who Loves Jack Skellington Shirt
That’s the Roses Just A Girl Who Loves Jack Skellington Shirt frustrating thing. The last few administrations needed to be taken to task for a few things, and this one is beyond description. This idea that indicted former leaders are an international humiliation is garbage. The humiliation was the crimes committed. The failure to prosecute those crimes is worse for our global standing. We are generations of "Being bullied in school? Tell a teacher. The teacher didn't do anything about it? Guess you're fucked then." It's a big round of pass the buck. Parents expect teachers to deal with bullying. Teachers expect the principal to deal with bullying. The principal expects the parents to deal with bullying. Sorry, kid, you're just gonna have to wait it out until graduation. Seen a number of posts where Americans are hoping other countries will intervene and fix this mess, unaware that the USA opted out of multi-nation agreements and anther country helping us would be labeled an invasion/attack. Like that's going to make any difference. They just arrested a Green Beret two days ago that has been spying for Russia for years. He has been traveling to Russia for years, meeting with known Russian intelligence agents. Working for a Ukrainian steel maker, has a soviet born mother and grandparents, speaks fluent Russian and is married to a Russian. How many more Russian red flags could one person wave?
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