Some Girls Are Just Born With Softball In Their Souls Shirt

 Police can exercise their judgment and  Some Girls Are Just Born With Softball In Their Souls Shirt give a verbal or written warning if they see fit. The joke about the camera is just a joke. Red-light cams are illegal now, but back when they operated them a third party private company issued the tickets and cops can’t do shit about it. There would be no point in even giving a warning because if the camera went off, then he would have received a ticket via the mail with pictures of the car, plates, and driver. You couldn’t get out of those easy. It’s funny how this stupid anti-police mentality leads people to snap judgments that cops are dirty and abuse their authority. All from a story that’s quite likely to just be a pile of bullshit. Had they not added the red light cam I might have believed it. I used to drive shuttle vans for a hotel and I had about 15 undercover agents and brass in my van picking them all up from going to a few bars after a conference... The young man joyfully picked it up and said “it takes awesome video!”, and proceeded to show the officer. The kid didn’t realize that the video was also of him driving, showing his speedometer and saying “look how fast I’m going” (over 100mph), and video out the window, showing the other young man in his car that had just gotten a ticket. My girlfriend likes to get high on a German Shepherd, so you know damn well it's a sniffing dog. He seemed interested in our dogs and was actually lunging a little towards us and I was cracking up inside at the odds of my poor girlfriend happening to run into a literal K9 dog we've never seen before lunging towards us in our own neighborhood soon as we leave the house.

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