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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2020

Pretty 55 Years Of Shania Twain 1965 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt

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I was born in the  Pretty 55 Years Of Shania Twain 1965 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt  mid-80s and never got closer to celebrating Halloween than having sleepovers with horror movie marathons with my friends when we were like 12-14 and trying out carving out a pumpkin in school when we were learning about the holidays of other cultures. Don't know when the real push for the more commercially charged Halloween celebration reached us but it has to be the early 2000s or something. BUY IT:    Pretty 55 Years Of Shania Twain 1965 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Nice Snoopy And Woodstock Los Angeles Dodgers World Series Champions Shirt

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I suspect out of  Nice Snoopy And Woodstock Los Angeles Dodgers World Series Champions Shirt  laziness lol, but also good in case something bad happened, it was a quick way to the hospital. We had costume competitions in random markets, where you just walk around the store for an hour and people could drop a vote in a dropbox after they were done shopping. I won $25 when I was like 9 from a robot costume that my grandfather built by hand. RIP. It was just an all-around fun and spooky day with the decorations and costumes. It's definitely a terrible year to have it though, that's for certain. BUY IT:    Nice Snoopy And Woodstock Los Angeles Dodgers World Series Champions Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Funny Murder Yoga It’s Cuddle Time Shirt

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 Went trick or  Funny Murder Yoga It’s Cuddle Time Shirt  treating with my kids in Santiago, Chile once. The concept hadn't fully caught on there but Wal-Mart had been pushing it for years to sell candy and crap and it was a more international neighborhood, so we tagged along with some friends who were locals. Almost every property there is gated one way or another- half the people we came across were baffled by the whole thing, and the rest of the people in the know would throw the candy over the sliding gates or through the bars. Totally bizarre. BUY IT:  Funny Murder Yoga It’s Cuddle Time Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Original Snoopy And Woodstock Gimme The Beat And Free My Soul I Wanna Get Lost In Your Rock And Roll Shirt

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I love  Original Snoopy And Woodstock Gimme The Beat And Free My Soul I Wanna Get Lost In Your Rock And Roll Shirt  Halloween, but we as Americans did not start the holiday. It was a day that was meant to celebrate dead saints. I've always just been told it's a day to celebrate the dead here in the US. No dead in specific, like saints, just the dead. It used to be a fun holiday, especially if you knew the people in your community. If you didn't, it was a chance for you to get to know them. Now it's just dangerous, even without covid. Covid just completely destroys it. But yea, it was a great community thing. BUY IT:    Original Snoopy And Woodstock Gimme The Beat And Free My Soul I Wanna Get Lost In Your Rock And Roll Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Good Behind Every Horse Girls Who Believes In Herself Is A Mom Who Believed In Her First Shirt

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 American  Good Behind Every Horse Girls Who Believes In Herself Is A Mom Who Believed In Her First Shirt  here. Listen, you can think America is stupid. You can talk shit about us, we probably deserve it. We do a lot of stupid shit. But I swear to god if you start shit with Halloween, there is going to be a kerfluffle mister. I hate the fact that “American” has become some sort of insult. Yes, Halloween is an American tradition and it’s something that a lot of people really value, just because it’s “American” doesn’t mean that it’s not a valuable part of our culture. BUY IT:  Good Behind Every Horse Girls Who Believes In Herself Is A Mom Who Believed In Her First Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Funny Gnomes Crochet On The Weather Outside Is Frightful But This Yarn Is So Delightful Shirt

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 At a time of a  Funny Gnomes Crochet On The Weather Outside Is Frightful But This Yarn Is So Delightful Shirt  pandemic, where the spread can occur from any physical contact, sweet wrappers are a prime source. Halloween has crept into New Zealand society, and it is a stupid American affectation with absolutely nothing to do with our culture. The Italian governor has my support on these two counts alone. Then there is the question of the unhealthy aspect of gluttony and sugary foods. BUY IT:  Funny Gnomes Crochet On The Weather Outside Is Frightful But This Yarn Is So Delightful Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Pretty The Golden Girls Thank You For Being A Friend Shirt

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Up until the  Pretty The Golden Girls Thank You For Being A Friend Shirt  mid 20th century, it was the Christmas Goat who brought gifts to children during Christmas. Santa Clause, or as we call him, the Christmas Gnome, didn't become popular until Coca-Cola pushed the imagery with its campaigns. He kinda melded with the traditional protective gnome who lives under your house, and who is given porridge at Christmas.   BUY IT:  Pretty The Golden Girls Thank You For Being A Friend Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Premium Girl I’m An Autism Mom Just Like A Normal Mom Except Much Stronger Shirt

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 My neighborhood is  Premium Girl I’m An Autism Mom Just Like A Normal Mom Except Much Stronger Shirt  setting up tables at the end of the driveways. I am going to use latex gloves to lay 10-15 individual pieces of candy spread over a big table. Once the candy gets low I'm going to do a quick spritz with disinfectant, wipe, and restock. If I unknowingly have the virus and haven't shown symptoms as of Halloween night I am not going to spread it. Seriously. Gloves, mask, disinfect. BUY IT:  Premium Girl I’m An Autism Mom Just Like A Normal Mom Except Much Stronger Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Perfect Dog I Didn’t Fart My Butt Blew You A Kiss Shirt

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Cool! Yeah, it's a   Perfect Dog I Didn’t Fart My Butt Blew You A Kiss Shirt  Gaelic festival with Celtic pagan roots to my knowledge, and it comes from Ireland. As far as we know, Irish people originally came from the Mediterranean region, probably walking over the Iberian peninsula many thousands of years ago, so we have a lot of shared culture and heritage from ancient times. Crazy to think of ties going back that long! BUY IT:  Perfect Dog I Didn’t Fart My Butt Blew You A Kiss Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt  

Top To Fish Or Not To Fish What A Stupid Question Shirt

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But  Top To Fish Or Not To Fish What A Stupid Question Shirt  yeah, America loves to import holidays that relate to food and/or drink. We celebrate Cinco de Mayo in a far bigger way than Mexico does, for instance. Lots of people go out to Mexican restaurants (or have taco night at home) and drink margaritas. AFAIK, it's a dry day in Mexico, where all the liquor stores are closed. I guess people do eat Mexican food for it, BUY IT:    Top To Fish Or Not To Fish What A Stupid Question Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:   Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Original Some Aunts Have Tattoos Pretty Eyes And Cuss Too Much It’s Me I’m Some Aunts Shirt

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O'Bryan  Original Some Aunts Have Tattoos Pretty Eyes And Cuss Too Much It’s Me I’m Some Aunts Shirt  continued to maintain his innocence. His defense mainly drew upon the decades-old urban legend concerning a "mad poisoner" who hands out Halloween candy laced with poison or needles or candy apples with razor blades inserted. These stories have persisted despite the fact that there are no documented instances of strangers poisoning Halloween candy. My parents were still ensuring our candy was safe in the nineties. We also were not allowed to accept stickers from teens (not that it was happening) or play with stickers that came in the mail, because jackasses were lacing them with drugs.  BUY IT:  Original Some Aunts Have Tattoos Pretty Eyes And Cuss Too Much It’s Me I’m Some Aunts Shirt   Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Good So God Made A Farmer American Flag Shirt

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 I was born in the  Good So God Made A Farmer American Flag Shirt  mid-80s and never got closer to celebrating Halloween than having sleepovers with horror movie marathons with my friends when we were like 12-14 and trying out carving out a pumpkin in school when we were learning about the holidays of other cultures. Don't know when the real push for the more commercially charged Halloween celebration reached us but it has to be the early 2000s or something. BUY IT:  Good So God Made A Farmer American Flag Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Premium Ab 250kmh Zieht Mein Besen Etwas Nach Rechts Shirt

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 I remember  Premium Ab 250kmh Zieht Mein Besen Etwas Nach Rechts Shirt  every Halloween in the late 70s and 80s the news was full of "parents be sure to check your kids' candy, and don't ever let them eat homemade treats"...and there went the yummy popcorn balls, brownies, and cookies, that someone made with love and care...and then we were left with a pillowcase full of tootsie rolls, pennies, and lollipops...but a few years later... fun-size candy bars became Halloween fare.  BUY IT:  Premium Ab 250kmh Zieht Mein Besen Etwas Nach Rechts Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Perfect Rooster Why You All Trying To Test The Jesus In Me Shirt

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My neighborhood  Perfect Rooster Why You All Trying To Test The Jesus In Me Shirt  generally has a couple homemade treats during the holiday that we all look forward too like apple butter, my ghosts, bat wings which are a very good shortbread cookie, and for the adults love potion number 9, which legend has it has the power to make you lose several hours of memory and can teleport you covered in vomit and shit into the neighbor's doghouse. I was thinking it was arsenic that causes severe muscle cramping, so I went to google it. (They both do as it turns out.) Then I realized that I now have “arsenic poisoning symptoms” and “cyanide poisoning symptoms” BUY IT:  Perfect Rooster Why You All Trying To Test The Jesus In Me Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Top Yes He’s Skateboarding No I Don’t Know When He’ll Be Home Yes We Are Still Married No He’s Not Imaginary Shirt

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There was always this really nice older lady on our street that made homemade cupcakes to give to the kids. Whenever my stop  Yes He’s Skateboarding No I Don’t Know When He’ll Be Home Yes We Are Still Married No He’s Not Imaginary Shirt  lings and I would bring them home, my parents would make us throw them away. My sister ended up sneaking one and she was completely fine. I know most people would prefer candy instead anyway but, it really sucks that this lady’s work went to waste because some assholes out there lace the treats with shit. BUY IT:    Top Yes He’s Skateboarding No I Don’t Know When He’ll Be Home Yes We Are Still Married No He’s Not Imaginary Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Official Beer Imwa Ni Shirt

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 It's actually an  Official Beer Imwa Ni Shirt  very good financial move to get a life insurance policy on your child as soon as they're born. For one, the younger they are the cheaper it is and the payment stays the same. Second, if down the line your child develops leukemia or something it can be used to help pay medical bills. Also, developing a debilitating il: less can prevent your child from being able to get a life policy. So, having something right out of the gate can prove to be beneficial. BUY IT:  Official Beer Imwa Ni Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Awesome That’s What I Do Boo Boo Bus I Drive Wee Woo Bus And I Know Things Shirt

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While I have no  Awesome That’s What I Do Boo Boo Bus I Drive Wee Woo Bus And I Know Things Shirt  empathy for someone like this child killer, imagine being in this guy's shoes as he keeps walking the cops around the block to point out who gave the kids the pixy sticks, knowing that they are starting to suspect you of the most heinous of crimes. Then on the 3rd go-round, he picks a house and prays. Except the owner was confirmed not home that Halloween night with an alibi 200 people strong. BUY IT:  Awesome That’s What I Do Boo Boo Bus I Drive Wee Woo Bus And I Know Things Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt  

Pretty Turtles Light Christmas Shirt

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Neither of these  Pretty Turtles Light Christmas Shirt  sounds true to me. When I was a kid there were a lot of PSAs about inspecting your candy wrappers before eating the candy, so assuming that still exists today kids would know to throw out wrappers that have been tampered with. And as others mentioned, if a lot of kids who were trick or treating in the same area get sick, chances are the number of houses that they have in common would be relatively small, so there wouldn’t be a lot of suspects. BUY IT:    Pretty Turtles Light Christmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Nice Yes He’s Fishing No I Don’t Know When He’ll Be Home Yes We Are Still Married No He’s Not Imaginary Shirt

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It's weird that  Nice Yes He’s Fishing No I Don’t Know When He’ll Be Home Yes We Are Still Married No He’s Not Imaginary Shirt  poisoning Halloween candy doesn't happen because it really is one of those crimes you can both do a lot of damage through and most likely get away with it. Every parent during this time could see that, and that's really what drove a lot of the paranoia. But mass poisoning random kids just don't get the rocks off of people who'd actually be this aberrant, since these types of killers also need the personal satisfaction of control over their victims, and a kid dying in the hospital an hour later is just too remote for them. It's too impersonal. BUY IT:     Nice Yes He’s Fishing No I Don’t Know When He’ll Be Home Yes We Are Still Married No He’s Not Imaginary Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Funny Use Dough Not Blow Shirt

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Went trick or   Funny Use Dough Not Blow Shirt  treating with my kids in Santiago, Chile once. The concept hadn't fully caught on there but Wal-Mart had been pushing it for years to sell candy and crap and it was a more international neighborhood, so we tagged along with some friends who were locals. Almost every property there is gated one way or another- half the people we came across were baffled by the whole thing, and the rest of the people in the know would throw the candy over the sliding gates or through the bars. Totally bizarre. BUY IT:   Funny Use Dough Not Blow Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Funny Basketball Find Your Strong Shirt

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Man, not all  Funny Basketball Find Your Strong Shirt  countries celebrate Halloween. To many of us, it's just a day to drink and have fun at a party, maybe using a costume, maybe not. But that happens every weekend, so it's not that special either. For kids, it is a day to receive candies, but to be honest, kids always get some candies. When I say that we don't celebrate, even if we have parties and stuff, I mean that it doesn't feel like a special time of the year. We don't have a tradition like we have with Christmas, New Year or Valentine's day. BUY IT:    Funny Basketball Find Your Strong Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Original Blue Crewmate Shirt

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There’s an  Original Blue Crewmate Shirt  lot of talks here about the modern Halloween being Irish/Celtic or American. I think it’s broadly similar but there are some traditions that probably only exist in Ireland (which is the one I know although I lived in the US for a while I never did much on Halloween). I think it’s more of an adult holiday in the US. Adults dress up more there. Jack of lanterns used to be turnips in Ireland not pumpkins are catching on. Trick or treat is common to both but in some parts of Ireland, kids sing or perform to get candy/sweets. BUY IT:  Original Blue Crewmate Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt  

Nice Nonchalance David Vintage Shirt

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As a  Nice Nonchalance David Vintage Shirt  European, I used to hate Halloween when I was younger. "Dumb American fake holiday". Then I got older and realized how awesome it is. Now don't get me wrong, kids coming to your house and demanding candy is dumb as shit, we don't want that. However, a holiday dedicated to a creepy spooky atmosphere in the autumn? That's awesome. For adults, it's basically a holiday where the goal is to watch old creepy movies while drinking BUY IT:  Nice Nonchalance David Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Funny Women’s Empowerment Feminist Shirt

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This is a  Funny Women’s Empowerment Feminist Shirt  weird one to criticize America for. Halloween is amazing and includes some of my favorite childhood memories. It's one of the better traditions to come out of the US. Obviously, it didn't come from the US and has its roots thousands of years earlier, but the door to door trick or treating and spooky haunted houses is just so much fun. I feel bad kids won't get to do it this year, though I obviously understand why we need to prioritize keeping people safe and healthy. BUY IT:  Funny Women’s Empowerment Feminist Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Pretty Pontoon Captain Like A Regular Captain Only Way More Drunker Vintage Shirt

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 It was a  Pretty Pontoon Captain Like A Regular Captain Only Way More Drunker Vintage Shirt  turnip.. and in pre-Christian times in Ireland, the new year was at the end of Samhain. It was believed that the dead could cross over to the living on this day. To protect themselves people had traditions to make it look like spirits had already inhabited a house or lands so the dead wouldn't spoil their crops. This included costumes and the turnips on window sills to imitate the spirits. BUY IT:  Pretty Pontoon Captain Like A Regular Captain Only Way More Drunker Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Nice So Choose Something Fun Everything Will Kill You Surfing Shirt

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 The European  Nice So Choose Something Fun Everything Will Kill You Surfing Shirt  tradition indeed goes back to pagan traditions centered on celebrating death and warding off evil spirits, which the Christian church appropriated and turned into Allhallowtide to make it formally Christian and not an evil Pagan thing. The all-saints day is still widely attended in Sweden, and people visit and attend graves and remember the dead. As a Protestant country, we don't really have saints, so all-souls day and all-saints day were combined into one. BUY IT:  Nice So Choose Something Fun Everything Will Kill You Surfing Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Awesome Among Us Impostor Game Shirt

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North America is  Awesome Among Us Impostor Game Shirt  probably the only continent that doesn't have as many regional conflicts as other areas at least in the last 100 years. Arabs hate each other. East Asians hate each other. Western and Eastern Europe hate each other. Africa has its own regional conflicts throughout the continent. South America also have their own conflicts. Now the hate goes worldwide because of the internet. Good times man. BUY IT:  Awesome Among Us Impostor Game Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Pretty Birthday Boy Jesus Christmas Shirt

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 This does seem  Pretty Birthday Boy Jesus Christmas Shirt  like a rather direct attack on the best of American culture, so fuck this guy. Plenty of other ways to say the same thing without the anti-American sentiment. I get it, we have a lot of fucked up stuff right now, but there is no reason to attack the best parts. It's not like I'm screaming about how my coffee and Vespa are stupid Italian traditions. BUY IT:  Pretty Birthday Boy Jesus Christmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Nice Wolf To My Son Never Forget That I Love You Life Is Filled With Hard Times And Good Times Shirt

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 Indeed, for  Nice Wolf To My Son Never Forget That I Love You Life Is Filled With Hard Times And Good Times Shirt  real. Making fun of these harmless traditions that some people enjoy and unify through is incredibly tacky and malicious. Just go out and say that we won't permit parties or gatherings in order to protect the public from the coronavirus. No need to slander a tradition or amplify the anti-American agenda. BUY IT:  Nice Wolf To My Son Never Forget That I Love You Life Is Filled With Hard Times And Good Times Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Funny Attack Life It’s Going To Kill You Anyway Driver Motorbike Shirt

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  This is the  Funny Attack Life It’s Going To Kill You Anyway Driver Motorbike Shirt  one day where Coronavirus shouldn't be that huge a threat. I know it's not exactly the same, but if adults can hit up the fast-food drive-thru, sit in restaurants, and play golf with their buddies, then we can let kids dress up and walk through their local neighborhood. We're already sending them to school every damn day, let's not suck the joy out of life. All these half measures are really frustrating, and I'm saying this as someone who was for a full shutdown back in March. BUY IT:  Funny Attack Life It’s Going To Kill You Anyway Driver Motorbike Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Funny The Mainstream Media Is A Propaganda Machine Shirt

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 In the neighborhood  Funny The Mainstream Media Is A Propaganda Machine Shirt  of my childhood, the houses were close together and there were lots of kids. It was a big neighborhood party for families--walking familiar streets with your friends, costumes, decorations, haunted houses, meeting all your neighbors, stupid amounts of candy. You'd be hard-pressed to find a kid from anywhere who wouldn't enjoy a good Halloween. BUY IT:  Funny The Mainstream Media Is A Propaganda Machine Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Original This Is The USA We Eat Meat We Drink Beer We Own Guns We Speak English We Love Freedom If You Do Not Like That Move Shirt

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 It seems   Original This Is The USA We Eat Meat We Drink Beer We Own Guns We Speak English We Love Freedom If You Do Not Like That Move Shirt  our ally's opinions of us have changed. Except for the fallout from it invasion of Iraq, most of the Italian people I have met had a favorable opinion of us. It's back to 2005 all over again and being looked down on for something stupid your president did. Here in the west of France we still have a kind of an old Celtic tradition related to this, except it’s very dark (no funny costumes) and we talk about the underworld and spirits, dark months to come (winter). But for 20 years young people are partying more like in the US. BUY IT:  Original This Is The USA We Eat Meat We Drink Beer We Own Guns We Speak English We Love Freedom If You Do Not Like That Move Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Nice Presidential Election Pro Trump Or Shut Up Shirt

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It does get  Nice Presidential Election Pro-Trump Or Shut Up Shirt  tiring. At this point, I’m definitely giving less of a shit what other countries think because well, they are going to think about what they are going to think. I’ve been to 10 different countries, and I’m still glad I’m American (although I admit there are a couple countries I’d love to live in). So yeah, America bad and blah blah blah. It is ironic that so many people bitch about America and China on an American website with Chinese-made devices. :  BUY IT:  Nice Presidential Election Pro-Trump Or Shut Up Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Funny Trump Voted Off Potus Interruptus Biden Election Shirt

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 That's not the   Funny Trump Voted Off Potus Interruptus Biden Election Shirt  point. Nobody's saying it's the USA's fault. We have the same debate in my country every October. I'm indifferent to it, and generally of the opinion that people should be allowed to have their fun, but a lot of people dislike Halloween because it's just a commercial holiday with no roots in our traditions. There are a lot of people who are against American influences in general, not because we feel that you are forcing it down our throats (only sometimes ;) ), but because we feel our culture is being watered out. BUY IT:  Funny Trump Voted Off Potus Interruptus Biden Election Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Pretty The World Will Be A Better Place If You Kick An Asshole In The Face Shirt

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 Why the  Pretty The World Will Be A Better Place If You Kick An Asshole In The Face Shirt  fuck do you want to keep people from having fun? (No, I don't think that this applies during the COVID). Youngsters like Halloween, like it or not. It's a fun party that fits nicely with the climate and which makes children happy. But alas, we cannot let people celebrate whatever they want! They MUST celebrate our Christian traditions (which were foreign in origin) and not like anything American! BUY IT:  Pretty The World Will Be A Better Place If You Kick An Asshole In The Face Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Nice Endsars Shirt

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 Halloween is  Nice Endsars Shirt  not entirely a drinking day in the US. It can be, especially for the young ones who are into partying and drinking, anyway. Most people, at least those without little kids, do very little--give out candy if anyone comes around, maybe watch some scary show or movie...but it's not too crazy for your average person. Workplaces might have a little office party with cupcakes or something, and people might dress up.  BUY IT:  Nice Endsars Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Awesome The Cure Robert Smith Shirt

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 I'm from his  Awesome The Cure Robert Smith Shirt  region and in case people are confused(they are from the comments I've seen), literally no one here celebrates Halloween with children going door to door to ask for candies. Let alone the fact that most of us live in apartment buildings so it's not really practicable, but I don't think anyone has ever done that here. Halloween here is just an excuse for clubs to throw "special" parties to attract more business. Sometimes private parties too. So the issue here is not kids walking around town, but -mostly- young adults trying to get laid on a day that encourages large gatherings. BUY IT:  Awesome The Cure Robert Smith Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Pretty Super Caregiver Super Women Super Tired But Super Blessed Shirt

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 Do you  Pretty Super Caregiver Super Women Super Tired But Super Blessed Shirt  remember the scene where a bunch of demons or something is dancing on that mountain with that scary music? I've had nightmares all the time as a kid and I wasn't smart enough to tell my mom I can't watch it, so she thought I loved fantasia lol. I was scared every time Mickey is the trust fund kid who has all the good toys. His friends are just the kids off his father's employees. They go on fake adventures with him to keep him happy and their parents employed. Pete back talked once and now is relegated to the "villain" role as an example of those who speak up. BUY IT:  Pretty Super Caregiver Super Women Super Tired But Super Blessed Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Nice We Miss You Stan Lee 12 11 Marvel Heroes Chibi Signature Shirt

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As one of the  Nice We Miss You Stan Lee 12 11 Marvel Heroes Chibi Signature Shirt  other top comments already pointed out, most pro-lifers view abortion as murder and have nothing to do with religion or control. Using this religion argument is a tired and drawn out method that doesn’t even remotely reach pro-life people that think life is being ended via abortion. Disney is buying everything it wants/can. Analyze Disney as if it was a singular organism and put psychological health practices on it. That's the simplest way to explain that they have a problem. Or maybe just the owners... Don't get me wrong, there are some Disney movies that I still love to this day.   BUY IT:  Nice We Miss You Stan Lee 12 11 Marvel Heroes Chibi Signature Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Premium Coronavirus Covid 19 Virus 2020 World Tour Shirt

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He is a creepy  Premium Coronavirus Covid 19 Virus 2020 World Tour Shirt  AF. When my son was 3 we waited in line in his freaky playhouse to meet him in his backroom for a photo op. We get there and my son takes one look at starts freaking out. Awkward! But Mickey, the professional that he is, had seen this shit a million times and knew exactly what to do. He directs me to the other side of the room with my son and that’s why I now have a picture of me and Mickey twenty feet away from each other with my sons head buried in my shoulder BUY IT:    Premium Coronavirus Covid 19 Virus 2020 World Tour Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Awesome I Don’t Always Mahnamahna But When I Do Doo Doot Doo Do Doo Vintage Shirt

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 In the US it  Awesome I Don’t Always Mahnamahna But When I Do Doo Doot Doo Do Doo Vintage Shirt  really isn't a drinking holiday, albeit some people from other countries are saying that's all it is in their area. Here it's mostly for kids and just the fun of being spooky. There are Halloween parties where people dress up in a costume that adults host, and while there's probably alcohol it isn't really about that like with a couple other holidays. BUY IT:  Awesome I Don’t Always Mahnamahna But When I Do Doo Doot Doo Do Doo Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Pretty Born To Ride Motorcycles Forced To Go To Work Shirt

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 I'm from  Pretty Born To Ride Motorcycles Forced To Go To Work Shirt  Germany, and Halloween was nonexistent when I grew up. I am really jealous of my kids because we celebrate Halloween every year with pumpkin carving, spooky decorations, movies, and costumes. I am a big horror fan so I naturally like the event. I know it isn't really traditional, but I fully support it becoming a tradition. Out of all things that came from America, this is really one of the better ones. BUY IT:  Pretty Born To Ride Motorcycles Forced To Go To Work Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Nice Block Release Catch Spike Shirt

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 Probably because  Nice Block Release Catch Spike Shirt  there is SO much American influence in every facet of our lives in Aus that there is blowback on bigger events like Halloween. Seeing every single shopping center, business, and even public transport get nuked in Halloween merch, decorations, etc is pretty obnoxious IMO. I know of kids in high school who didn't know we didn't celebrate thanksgiving. My own fiance and many other Australians I know don't even recognize Australian accents on TV when an Australian character is on an American show. BUY IT:  Nice Block Release Catch Spike Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Funny If I’m Lost Please Return Me To Keith Richards Shirt

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 Odd NZ is really  Funny If I’m Lost Please Return Me To Keith Richards Shirt  into it. As you mention the season being wrong makes trick or treating not very feasible for kids but teens through young adults party hard. Even my staunchly British father is dressed as a vampire every year just in case some kids come by. I've actually seen less Halloween stuff in Texas the three times I've been here for it than in NZ. I think it's very neighborhood dependent. BUY IT:  Funny If I’m Lost Please Return Me To Keith Richards Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Original Autism Doesn't Come With A Manual It Comes With A Mom Who Never Gives Up Shirt

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The translation is  Original Autism Doesn't Come With A Manual It Comes With A Mom Who Never Gives Up Shirt  wrong. "Americana" (what he apparently said) is not "Americanism" (Americanism), it rather means "an occurrence that usually takes place in America that's being brought elsewhere, out of popularity / just because". It's not Americanism because it's a passive absorption/acquisition, it was meant in a bad way but not that one. There's no correct translation as far as I'm concerned, I'd say "American thingy". BUY IT:    Original Autism Doesn't Come With A Manual It Comes With A Mom Who Never Gives Up Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Good American Flag If My Flag Offends You I'll Help You Pack American Flag Shirt

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My husband  Good American Flag If My Flag Offends You I'll Help You Pack American Flag Shirt  and I, both Americans, lived in Switzerland for a year. At some point, we asked friends if kids celebrate Halloween and go trick-or-treating. Our friends assure us that nobody does that in Switzerland. Halloween night we had ordered pizza for dinner. As I was getting my coat on to walk down to the pizza place our doorbell rang. I opened the door and there stood two children, in costume with sacks for their candy BUY IT:    Good American Flag If My Flag Offends You I'll Help You Pack American Flag Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Funny Hocus Pocus Oh Look Another Glorious Virtual Teaching Morning Makes Me Sick Kindergarten Teacher Shirt

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 Donald completely  Funny Hocus Pocus Oh Look Another Glorious Virtual Teaching Morning Makes Me Sick Kindergarten Teacher Shirt  isolated in his own clubhouse realizes that without Mickey and his brainwashed lackeys he is nothing. He knows he would soon fade away into old age accomplishing nothing always cock blocked by that mouse. He reluctantly returns keeping in mind that Mickey is his leader, his savior, and above all else, his God. No matter how he challenges the mouse he can never win and will just settle with his negativity. BUY IT:  Funny Hocus Pocus Oh Look Another Glorious Virtual Teaching Morning Makes Me Sick Kindergarten Teacher Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Original 2020 WNBA Seattle Storm Champions Signatures Shirt

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 It's not just  Original 2020 WNBA Seattle Storm Champions Signatures Shirt  ego, Donald Duck angry at the mass dictatorship Mickey ran. He attempted to make his own clubhouse. The others brainwashed by Mickey didn't join him. Mickey portraying himself as the good guy let him leave, he even helped to build the clubhouse for Donald. But deep down Mickey knew it would blow over and he would come back, it always blows over at some point, one way or another always in his favor. BUY IT: Original 2020 WNBA Seattle Storm Champions Signatures Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Good Hanging With My Gnomies Shirt

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Well, maybe it’s  Good Hanging With My Gnomies Shirt  not Mickey's fault that his domicile is shaped like his head. You see, Mickey got 3 bids for a nice Craftsman style home. Well, he went with the lowest bidder. That low bidder was going through a divorce and spending a LOT of time at the club. Right after the foundation was laid down, Mickey mentioned in passing that BUY IT:  Good Hanging With My Gnomies Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt

Premium Grinch Hand Holding Mask 2020 Stink Stank Stunk Shirt

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He wanted his  Premium Grinch Hand Holding Mask 2020 Stink Stank Stunk Shirt  house to “be like me, fun and whimsical”. The contractor interpreted this statement as “I want this house to look like me”. So, while Mickey Went off to a race or some other adventure, the contractor got a pre-fabricated dome from McDuck enterprises and added some ears made out of stucco. So, Mickey's house might not be entirely of his own doing. And also sub-contractors . They screw a lot of things up BUY IT:     Premium Grinch Hand Holding Mask 2020 Stink Stank Stunk Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees-Custom-Tshirt